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Homeopathy brings back the fun in the rainy season

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After the scorching summer heat, the monsoon showers come as a welcome relief. However, with unprecedented rains all over the country over the past few years, there is an increasing danger of a host of illnesses.

Here, Dr. Mukesh Batra, Founder and CMD, Dr. Batra’s Positive Health Clinic Pvt. Ltd writes about some of the common monsoon maladies along with a little information about what Homeopathy has to offer in the treatment of these conditions.

Fungal infections: Fungal infections are common during the monsoons because of constant dampness and the possibility of coming in contact with filthy water. The moisture present in the environment helps the fungi to grow and thrive, especially in skin folds such as the groins or between the toes.

Chrysarobic acid 6C, 5 pills taken twice daily can help to treat generalized fungal infections. Merc Sol 30C, 5 pills twice daily is recommended for fungal infection in the groins.

Respiratory Allergies: Due to temperature changes and poor hygienic practices that are common during the monsoons, conditions like a runny nose, sneezing, headache, and recurrent throat infections tend to be rampant.

Natrum Sulph 6X can be given to treat allergic affections due to dampness.

Asthma: Allergic asthma is more severe in its intensity and frequency during the monsoons because of weather changes and the associated dampness in the environment. Dust mites and pollens also tend to irritate the airways and cause them to tighten, making air exchange difficult and leading to breathlessness. The efficacy of homeopathic medicines has been confirmed by clinical studies.

Medication: A randomized double-blind trial conducted on patients with allergic asthma showed that improvement appeared within 1 week of starting homeopathic treatment and persisted for up to 8 weeks. A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial conducted in the University of Glasgow showed that over 80% of asthmatic patients on Homeopathy showed improved results.

Amoebiasis: This is a very common problem during the monsoons, as the parasite Entamoeba histolytica, which is responsible for it, tends to survive for longer under warm and moist conditions. It enters the body through contaminated food or water and produces diarrhoea or dysentery with blood and mucus.

Aloe Soc 30C is known to be helpful to treat amoebiasis.

Gastroenteritis: Gastroenteritis is a general term that refers to infections (bacterial/viral) of the gastrointestinal tract. It gives rise to several problems such as stomachache, diarrhea and vomiting, causing loss of body fluids that in turn lead to dehydration. Children are usually affected. Unhygienic surroundings, contaminated water and food items, and overcrowding are the known culprits. Avoid eating at unhygienic places and drink boiled water to keep gastrointestinal infections at bay.

Arsenic Album 30C, 5 pills taken thrice daily can help to treat diarrhoea or vomiting and to prevent further fluid loss from the body.

Leptospirosis: Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection that is common during the rains in tropical countries like India.  These bacteria are carried by water contaminated by rat’s urine and faeces. Flooding after heavy rainfall helps to spread the bacteria around.  Human beings get infected by drinking contaminated water or when their eyes, nose, or any open wounds come in contact with contaminated water. In humans, it causes a wide range of symptoms similar to flu such as fever, headache, chills, nausea, vomiting, and musculo-skeletal aches. In severe cases, it can cause jaundice and lead to liver damage.

Cuban medical researchers have successfully prevented the annual outbreak of Leptospirosis in Cuba among a population of 5 million people across two regions using Homeopathy in both 2007 and 2008. A population of 2.5 million was prescribed homeopathic medicines that brought down the incidence of infection to less than 10 people with no fatalities. Earlier, conventional treatment of the population with a vaccine had yet resulted in thousands of infections and a number of fatalities and that had cost the exchequer nearly USD 2 million. The homeopathic solution on the other hand cost just USD 2,00,000, only 10% of the previous expenditure. This goes to prove that homeopathic medicines are not just effective but are cost-effective too.

Medication: On request

Malaria: Malaria is an infectious disease that spreads through the bite of mosquitoes.  Since stagnant water and dampness favour the breeding of mosquitoes, there is a rise in the number of malaria cases during the monsoons. Every year, there are approximately 350–500 million cases of malaria. Fever with chills followed by sweating is characteristic of malarial fevers. These days, there are increased cases of chloroquine-resistant malaria. Malaria can be prevented by taking precautions like avoiding marshy or stagnant-water areas, wearing full sleeved clothes and using mosquito nets or mosquito repellents.

Medication: Clinical studies have proved that the homeopathic neem (Azadirachita Indica) preparation is effective for the reduction of malarial attacks in highly endemic areas for Plasmodium falciparum. Other medications on request.

The monsoons wash away the pollution in the atmosphere to rejuvenate your entire being, enabling you to breathe in a whiff of fresh air, a rarity these days. Get healthy and stay healthy using the goodness and power of Homeopathy, a holistic healing science that treats you and not just your disease by boosting your immunity. With your defences strong, you can rejoice in the rains without being concerned about diseases at the back of your mind. So, you don’t need to stop yourself from walking or playing football in the rain. Have a happy monsoon!

This is an article by Dr. Mukesh Batra, Founder and CMD, Dr. Batra’s Positive Health Clinic Pvt. Ltd

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