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TIMES NOW dethrones NDTV 24*7 to become the undisputed leader in English News space

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 People want news that has substance and is unbiased. Their preferences are changing and these results show. The old order changes in English news genre. 

TIMES NOW the most watched 24 hour English news channel emerges as the no.1 channel in 2008 according to the audience measurement data released by TAM (Television Audience Measurement). The channel’s news-centric strategy combined with its superior content has contributed towards establishing TIMES NOW as the undisputed leader in English News Channel space in India. In terms of channel viewership share TIMES NOW acquired an average channel share of 28% in comparison to NDTV’s 26% & CNN-IBN 22% for the entire year.

Speaking about the year Mr. Chintamani Rao, CEO TIMES NOW says, “TIMES NOW has made it its mission to be ‘Always with the news’ – whether it’s the big events or it’s the daily news; triumph or tragedy. These numbers tell us that what we do is meaningful to the viewers for whom we work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.”

Since its launch in 2005, TIMES NOW has grown in TV news beyond compare to become the most watched and preferred English news channel:

  • News, relevant to an urban audience, in areas of politics, economics, sports, entertainment in India and across the world has resulted in TIMES NOW becoming a daily habit of viewers across the country to catch their news needs.
  • The focus on news as well as responsible and unbiased reporting and an unparalleled passion for news journalism gives TIMES NOW the clear edge over competition, thus dethroning NDTV, to emerge as the undisputed leader in English news space.

 The New Year will see the channel remain committed to asking tough, incisive and often uncomfortable questions to give the viewer the sharpest perspective on news.

Written by sreelakshmi

31 December, 2008 at 11:02 pm