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Archive for the ‘Mumbai’ Category

Fayth Clinic conducts workshops in Mumbai to help teens combat obesity

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Dr. Paula Goel is a practicing adolescent pediatrician with special interest in adolescent obesity and its influence on lifestyle diseases in teenagers and young Indians. She is currently the adolescent pediatrician and director of Fayth Clinic, Mumbai – the only clinic specializing in adolescent health services in Mumbai. I got the opportunity to interview Dr. Goel through email about obesity among adolescents, the effects, preventive measures, and the workshops and treatment offered by Fayth Clinic.


For the last 6 years, you have worked extensively in the field of adolescent medicine dealing with problems of obesity and its effects in teenagers and young Indians. How would you rate the adolescent obesity ratio in India as compared to other countries? Is it growing at an alarming rate in India?


The incidence of obesity in Indian adolescents is about 1/3 of the developed countries, but it is growing at an alarming rate.


What do you attribute as the main causes for obesity in adolescents and children in India?


  • Overeating
  • Lack of Exercise
  • Increased sedentary activity with lack of exercise like TV viewing for more than 20 hrs per week with decreased physical activity
  • Children exposed to food advertisements and increase in caloric intake
  • Other screen time includes video games, internet use, telephone use, home viewing of movies
  • Heredity factors which reduce basal metabolic rate
  • Socio economic status: More obese in higher socio economic status in poorer countries and more obese in lower socioeconomic status in richer countries
  • Insulin resistance leading to sugar build up causing obesity and diabetes
  • Low leptin levels – does not allow brain to get signal that food intake is enough
  • Endocrine and chromosomal abnormalities

What are the major complications that an obese adolescent can face during adolescence and as an adult


Following are the complications faced as young adults:


  • Cardiovascular system: high blood pressure, heart attack, brain stroke
  • Respiratory system: breathlessness, asthma, frequent sleep apnoea, hypoventilation. High amount of fat in chest wall / abdomen limits the respiratory excursions which lead to frequent awakening and resultant sleep deprivation leading to daytime somnolence
  • Metabolic disorders: elevated cholesterol, diabetes, insulin resistance, menstrual irregularities
  • Gastro intestinal system: fatty liver, cirrhosis, hemorrhoids, hernia, colorectal cancer , gall stones
  • Malignancy: breast cancer, endometrial cancer, prostratic cancer , cervical cancer
  • Musculoakeletal problems : back pain , joint pains, frequent strains, sprains, limp, groin pain leg bowing
  • Poly cystic ovarian syndrome in young girls : dysmenorrhea, excess body hair ( hirsutism), acne, hair loss on scalp, central obesity, insulin resistance, infertility
  • Behavioural complications: disordered eating ,depression ,negative body image, decreased school performance, social isolation ,decreased self esteem ,bullying, being bullied
  • Metabolic syndrome in young adults characterized by central obesity, hypertension, DM, premature coronary artery disease

How much is the awareness for obesity in adolescents in India? What steps are being taken by you and your clinic to spread the awareness?

Awareness of obesity in India especially in the young population is increasing. Many adolescents suffer from BODY IMAGE PROBLEM and this also results in bulimia, anorexia nervosa and eating disorders which may lead to depression. We hold regular seminars, workshops, community camps and media awareness programs.


You have been conducting various workshops for rehabilitating adolescents. Are these workshops conducted only in Mumbai? Are the workshops also conducted in other parts of India? How successful have these workshops been?


We are holding these workshops only in Mumbai at present. The results have been rewarding with positive feedbacks from the participants. The take home message has been implemented.


Regarding treatment, what are the various plans that you provide to the patient? Who comprise the team (doctor, dietician, counsellor, etc.)? Could you tell us in brief what are the various steps in the treatment and rehabilitation process? In terms of percentage can you tell us how much of medication and counselling is involved?

The Medical Management of Obesity consists of a detailed plan comprising of medical examination to determine the cause of obesity, diet and exercise protocol as per individual needs, detailed history will include onset, progression of obesity, growth and development, family history of obesity and complications. Exploring diet practices, family structure and habits. Over weight child with less than 50th percentile for height are screened for endocrine or genetic conditions. Screening for complications is important. certain conditions like high blood pressure, asthma and orthopaedic problems may require treatment before exercise regimen can be prescribed treatment .Laboratory screening is also required for base line investigations and associated complications .The team comprises of doctor(adolescent paediatrician),dietician and counsellor and exercise therapist. Review is done on a periodic basis .However, medications are not provided for to lose weight. Medication is required as per the medical requirement and counselling is done for all patients.


Talking with an adolescent is definitely different from talking to a child or an adult. So do you have to use a different approach in the treatment and rehabilitation of adolescents? (By approach I mean the method of treatment, the counselling done afterwards, even any symptoms and side effects during diagnosis).


Approach definitely has to be different. Understanding and gaining trust of the adolescent is very important to maintain compliance during the treatment. Vast majority suffer from problems of body image and also early depression. They are also very sceptical and have their own set of value system which is as per the peer group. So gaining the trust is most important. Once they are comfortable, they open up and counselling is then easier. Diet also has to be looked into carefully as this is a growing phase and severe restriction of diet is not possible as this will hamper growth and development. Moreover, adolescents if put on to a strict diet will always binge and will never comply with the diet plan. Certain weight training exercises are also not recommended as it damages the growth plate which is at the end of the bones and this will also affect the final height of the adolescent. Moreover, if there is any muscle injury, it is more dangerous than bone injury as bone injury is picked up by X-rays while muscle injury cannot be picked up and it takes a longer time to heal. Hence complete physical and medical examination is mandatory before starting exercise protocol.


Today we lead a fast pace lifestyle and stress accompanied with studies, competition among peers, peer pressure, etc. What are your suggestions to prevent adolescence obesity in India?


  • Lead a disciplined lifestyle
  • Breakfast provides food for the brain and should never be missed
  • A balanced diet with fruits and vegetables
  • Prevent obesity at an early stage of life
  • No child should be forced to complete the portion left behind on the plate in pre adolescent phase as it leads to obesity
  • Should not be given energy-dense foods: chocolates, ice-creams, chips, as rewards for good behavior
  • Fast foods/cold drinks be avoided
  • Life style modification -walking, cycling, playing outdoor games rather than video-games, outings- trekking/walking on the beaches instead of malls every week ends
  • Television viewing-a sedentary activity must be restricted. Snacking during TV viewing be condemned
  • May have medical reasons-evaluation required
  • Positive peer pressure through friends and peer educators may also be used to motivate to lose weight and to cope with body image problem, emotional taunts and emotional blackmail

How many workshops have you conducted on adolescence obesity? When is the next workshop scheduled to take place?


We have conducted about 4 to 5 workshops. The next workshop is due in January 2011.

How does one register for attending the workshop?


Either by phone (Mansi Kothari, Fayth Clinic admin 9869505556, tel: 02224311616/14) or by email For further details about Fayth Clinic visit




Homeopathy brings back the fun in the rainy season

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After the scorching summer heat, the monsoon showers come as a welcome relief. However, with unprecedented rains all over the country over the past few years, there is an increasing danger of a host of illnesses.

Here, Dr. Mukesh Batra, Founder and CMD, Dr. Batra’s Positive Health Clinic Pvt. Ltd writes about some of the common monsoon maladies along with a little information about what Homeopathy has to offer in the treatment of these conditions.

Fungal infections: Fungal infections are common during the monsoons because of constant dampness and the possibility of coming in contact with filthy water. The moisture present in the environment helps the fungi to grow and thrive, especially in skin folds such as the groins or between the toes.

Chrysarobic acid 6C, 5 pills taken twice daily can help to treat generalized fungal infections. Merc Sol 30C, 5 pills twice daily is recommended for fungal infection in the groins.

Respiratory Allergies: Due to temperature changes and poor hygienic practices that are common during the monsoons, conditions like a runny nose, sneezing, headache, and recurrent throat infections tend to be rampant.

Natrum Sulph 6X can be given to treat allergic affections due to dampness.

Asthma: Allergic asthma is more severe in its intensity and frequency during the monsoons because of weather changes and the associated dampness in the environment. Dust mites and pollens also tend to irritate the airways and cause them to tighten, making air exchange difficult and leading to breathlessness. The efficacy of homeopathic medicines has been confirmed by clinical studies.

Medication: A randomized double-blind trial conducted on patients with allergic asthma showed that improvement appeared within 1 week of starting homeopathic treatment and persisted for up to 8 weeks. A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial conducted in the University of Glasgow showed that over 80% of asthmatic patients on Homeopathy showed improved results.

Amoebiasis: This is a very common problem during the monsoons, as the parasite Entamoeba histolytica, which is responsible for it, tends to survive for longer under warm and moist conditions. It enters the body through contaminated food or water and produces diarrhoea or dysentery with blood and mucus.

Aloe Soc 30C is known to be helpful to treat amoebiasis.

Gastroenteritis: Gastroenteritis is a general term that refers to infections (bacterial/viral) of the gastrointestinal tract. It gives rise to several problems such as stomachache, diarrhea and vomiting, causing loss of body fluids that in turn lead to dehydration. Children are usually affected. Unhygienic surroundings, contaminated water and food items, and overcrowding are the known culprits. Avoid eating at unhygienic places and drink boiled water to keep gastrointestinal infections at bay.

Arsenic Album 30C, 5 pills taken thrice daily can help to treat diarrhoea or vomiting and to prevent further fluid loss from the body.

Leptospirosis: Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection that is common during the rains in tropical countries like India.  These bacteria are carried by water contaminated by rat’s urine and faeces. Flooding after heavy rainfall helps to spread the bacteria around.  Human beings get infected by drinking contaminated water or when their eyes, nose, or any open wounds come in contact with contaminated water. In humans, it causes a wide range of symptoms similar to flu such as fever, headache, chills, nausea, vomiting, and musculo-skeletal aches. In severe cases, it can cause jaundice and lead to liver damage.

Cuban medical researchers have successfully prevented the annual outbreak of Leptospirosis in Cuba among a population of 5 million people across two regions using Homeopathy in both 2007 and 2008. A population of 2.5 million was prescribed homeopathic medicines that brought down the incidence of infection to less than 10 people with no fatalities. Earlier, conventional treatment of the population with a vaccine had yet resulted in thousands of infections and a number of fatalities and that had cost the exchequer nearly USD 2 million. The homeopathic solution on the other hand cost just USD 2,00,000, only 10% of the previous expenditure. This goes to prove that homeopathic medicines are not just effective but are cost-effective too.

Medication: On request

Malaria: Malaria is an infectious disease that spreads through the bite of mosquitoes.  Since stagnant water and dampness favour the breeding of mosquitoes, there is a rise in the number of malaria cases during the monsoons. Every year, there are approximately 350–500 million cases of malaria. Fever with chills followed by sweating is characteristic of malarial fevers. These days, there are increased cases of chloroquine-resistant malaria. Malaria can be prevented by taking precautions like avoiding marshy or stagnant-water areas, wearing full sleeved clothes and using mosquito nets or mosquito repellents.

Medication: Clinical studies have proved that the homeopathic neem (Azadirachita Indica) preparation is effective for the reduction of malarial attacks in highly endemic areas for Plasmodium falciparum. Other medications on request.

The monsoons wash away the pollution in the atmosphere to rejuvenate your entire being, enabling you to breathe in a whiff of fresh air, a rarity these days. Get healthy and stay healthy using the goodness and power of Homeopathy, a holistic healing science that treats you and not just your disease by boosting your immunity. With your defences strong, you can rejoice in the rains without being concerned about diseases at the back of your mind. So, you don’t need to stop yourself from walking or playing football in the rain. Have a happy monsoon!

This is an article by Dr. Mukesh Batra, Founder and CMD, Dr. Batra’s Positive Health Clinic Pvt. Ltd

Bajaj Allianz and Rajasthan Royals reach agreement and withdraw the legal cases

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Bajaj Allianz and Rajasthan Royals, Jaipur franchisee have mutually agreed to part ways by together withdrawing the court cases in Delhi & Mumbai respectively.

Last year, the MOU was performance based and structured payments were to be released on the team reaching the various stages of the tournament. After the team won the first season, Rajasthan Royals made a revised
proposal to Bajaj Allianz which RR thought to be a win win situation for both parties. This led to some differences between the two parties.

Later, when the Champions League agreement did not fructify & Bajaj wanted to air their advertisements, Rajasthan Royals went ahead & terminated the MOU & filed legal proceedings against Bajaj Allianz over non-payment of dues.

Manoj Badale, CEO of Rajasthan Royals, said, “We had an excellent relationship with Bajaj Allianz, who supported us when we were the underdogs. (Which later proved to be a good investment for Bajaj). Currently, we have decided to withdraw the legal proceedings and resolve the issues out of court. In hindsight, after parting ways, we feel that the relationship could have been taken to a mutually beneficial level.

Kamesh Goyal, Country Head – Allianz and CEO, Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance, said, “We had frank and fair discussions on all the issues and have mutually agreed to terminate the present MOU. We wish Rajasthan Royals all the best.”

Rajasthan Royals are in the process of informing all stakeholders, IPL & IBF (Indian Broadcasting Federation) about the termination of the relationship.

Written by sreelakshmi

20 March, 2009 at 7:33 pm

VLCC launches VLCC Day Spa and 6 new centers in Mumbai

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VLCC group yesterday launched its first VLCC Day Spa in Mumbai, in Juhu, while simultaneously opening six new VLCC centres in the megapolis, taking up its presence in Mumbai to a total of 28 locations. The spa was inaugurated by Ms.Vandana Luthra, Founder & Mentor, VLCC and present on the occasion were several dignitaries from the lifestyle and entertainment fraternity.

The VLCC Day Spa is a luxury presentation from the house of VLCC, offering spa therapies from around the world as well as hair, skin and nail services. The VLCC Day Spas are staffed by highly skilled and trained professionals from India and overseas and house the latest international equipment. Providing high-end services drawn from Ayurveda to a host of body therapies popular across the globe, from anti ageing facials to dermatological solutions, from hair solutions to nail art, pedicures and manicures, VLCC Day Spa offers an array of therapies that address health and beauty needs of an individual.

The all-new wellness centers in Mumbai are located in Khar, Andheri (East), Andheri (West), Kalyan, Chembur and Mira Road. The new centers will offer an array of weight-management and beauty services ranging from slimming, skin treatments and hair care solutions, each coupled with unique, personalized attention that is a benchmark of VLCC. This new age concept from the house of India’s only Slimming, Beauty and Wellness group, offers one of the finest rejuvenation treatments in skin and hair.

Speaking on the occasion Mrs. Vandana Luthra said, “Apart from spas being an acknowledged solution for relief from the stresses and tensions of everyday living, spa and body therapies are increasingly being used as effective tools in preventive and curative healthcare. At VLCC, we have mastered the art of wellness for the body, mind and soul. This first VLCC Day Spa in Mumbai is an embodiment of that expertise. The opening of this Day Spa, along with the simultaneous opening of 6 new VLCC Centres in Mumbai represents a significant milestone in our journey to deliver the very best in health, beauty and wellness solutions all, including the discerning residents of Mumbai.”

For more information visit

Written by sreelakshmi

20 February, 2009 at 7:40 pm

Dr Palep’s Medical Research Foundation Invites Students To Participate In One-Of-Its-Kind Competitions- ‘Tadvidya Sambhasha’

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Ayurveda stood the ravages of time not by any miracle, but on the basis of its sound scientific foundation. Tadvidya Sambhasha is an age old and a well defined Ayurvedic tradition of debate amongst the scholars for the purpose of updating their knowledge. Dr Palep’s Medical Research Foundation’s efforts are focused during the Tadvidya Sambhashas to explore this foundation and spread the message of Ayurveda and share its wisdom globally.

In order to encourage this ancient tradition, Dr. Palep’s Medical Research Foundation has decided to institute prize of Rs.10,000/- for excellent recitation of Sutra Sthana of Ashtanga Hridaya. This competition will be open to under graduate students from all the Ayurvedic Medical colleges of the state of Maharashtra. The competition will be conducted at R.A.Podar Medical College, Worli, Mumbai on 10th February. Three prize winning candidates will recite from Vaghbhatta’s Sutrasthana in front of audience of Tadvidya Sambhasha V Ayurveda program. The program will be held at R.A.Podar Medical College (Ayurvedic) on 15th February, 2009.

The central theme of this year’s Sambhasha will be – “Ayurvedic Dietetics and Nutraceuticals in health and disease”. The focus will be on how clinical experience and research have corroborated the Sutras and Aharas in Ayurveda (Rasas, Pathya, Aushadi gunas, yogas and so on). The uniqueness of Ayurvedic Dietetics is the customized approach in relation to individuals prakruti, age, sex and disease, season, country etc. The participating scientists will co-relate the biochemical aspects of Ayurvedic Nutraceuticals and highlight the current advances in Ayurvedic dietetics during the discussions.

Says Dr H S Palep, Founder, Dr. Palep’s Medical Research Foundation, “In the last four programmes we have honored a number of scholars and teachers of Ayurveda posthumously. This time we are honoring four eminent Modern Medicine Scholars who have made remarkable contributions in Ayurveda and Integrate Ayurveda in to modern main stream medicine. Integrative approach to the practice of medicine has been the fundamental philosophy of Dr. Palep’s Medical Education & Research Trust. These awards will be named after Charaka, Sushruta, Vaghbhatta and Kashyap.”

Oral Traditions helped the survival of Ayurvedic literature just as it did in case of the Vedic literature. Super accelerated learning theory (SALT) emphasizes on whole brain education, the role of repeated recitations for better memory. Charaka emphasized this method for sharpening of mind & memory.

The event will be sponsored by Dr Palep’s Medical Education & Research trust and R. A. Podar Medical College (Ayurveda). Dr. Deshmukh, Dean, Podar medical college is the convenor. Dr. H.S.Palep is the chairman. Dr Narayan R Sabu is the secretary.


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Life on the fast lane in Indian metros, changing lifestyles even in tier two cities and mushrooming pubs have contributed to the spurt in rash driving on Indian roads and consequent accidents. Liquor is more freely available than before and nearly 75 percent of the Indian population, now below the age of 35, have more disposable incomes to splurge on liquor, studies cite. This is definitely a major risk for public safety, and it is vitally essential for civic bodies such as the police and socially responsible corporates to contribute towards the control of drunken driving. This initiative is worth praising. Let’s hope that there would be a decline in the number of accident cases due to drunken driving.

Mumbai Traffic Police has joined hands with Metropolis Health Services – India’s only multinational chain of diagnostics centers – on their ‘Don’t Drink & Drive Campaign‘. As a part of this initiative, Metropolis will reach out to masses to spread messages on public safety by printing the message on its stationery which reaches out to an average of 1 lakh customers and their families per month.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Sanjay Barve, Joint Police Commissioner Traffic –Mumbai Police, said, “The Don’t Drink and Drive campaign began in June 2007, and in the first year itself there were more than 10,000 cases of drunken driving registered. The following year the number of cases increased to more than 16,000. With this there was steep fall in the number of casualties due to drunken driving. In this endeavour we are happy to have found a partner like Metropolis Health Services, who voluntarily came to us to participate in our mission. Everyday Metropolis issues 10,000 reports, making it one of the preferred means to communicate the message of Don’t Drink and Drive by printing it on them.”

Talking about this new initiative of Metropolis, Dr. Sushil Shah, Chairman, Metropolis Health Services (I) Ltd, said, “As a part of our Corporate Social Responsibility Programs Metropolis is happy to be a part of this awareness campaign in any way possible. We have conducted several health awareness campaigns for the police in Kerala, Tamil Nadu. Apart from this, in Mumbai we have a tie up with most of the Government Hospitals to provide high end pathology solutions at discounted rate. Recently we have entered into a tie up with the Police Hospital, Nagpada in Mumbai for provision of pathology services at discounted rates. This service would be available to policemen from 85 police stations in Mumbai. As of now we have this partnership only for the city of Mumbai but gradually we plan it to take it to other cities vis-à-vis Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai and Kerala in the first phase and over a period of time to every state where Metropolis present.

Medium Healthcare – A healthcare consultancy firm in India

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Consulting for business strategy, performance enhancement, marketing impact and service quality for the healthcare industry in India and other emerging economies

With a vision to spur innovation in the healthcare industy, Medium Healthcare Consultancy has been launched in India. Medium Healthcare aims to provide consulting services in the areas of business strategy, performance enhancement, marketing impact and service quality to healthcare organizations in India and other emerging economies.

Medium Heathcare Consulting helps its clients identify niche, but with significant potential, opportunities in healthcare in line with their overall objectives. These opportunities – typically aimed at a single or mix of specialties and focused target audience from a particular income segment – offer scope to emerge as viable, sustainable and scalable business models. Medium Healthcare also offers services in marketing of healthcare services with focus on enhancing revenue and profitability and service quality with a motto to maximize word-of-mouth referrals.

There are a few general consulting firms, which also have healthcare vertical. Healthcare consulting firms in India focus primarily on the project-related areas. Medium Healthcare intends to focus on business strategy and the softer’ side – marketing and service quality and is perhaps the only firm with this focus. The company plans to engage with existing healthcare players with a greater focus on emerging markets including India. It is also keen to advise newer entrants about the right healthcare strategy

Announcing the launch, Mr. Ratan Jalan, Founder & Principal Consultant, Medium Healthcare Consulting, said, “Almost everyone wants to build large, multi-specialty world-class hospitals in metros. It is a very myopic view, since the industry offers significant scope for innovation in alternative business models that are even more profitable and scalable.” He added, “In comparison to other service industries such as hospitality, banking or aviation, critical areas such as marketing and service quality continue to be handled in a fairly primitive manner in most healthcare organizations”.

“Within a few weeks, we have had very encouraging response from diverse players ranging from large, multi-specialty hospitals and small rural community hospitals on one hand to diagnostic services providers and healthcare architectural firms on the other”, he added.

You can visit

Lupin Q3 FY 08-09 – Strong Growth & Consistent Performance with Consolidated Sales up 32% to Rs. 9719 Mn and Net Profit – Rs 1165 Mn

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Pharma Major, Lupin Limited, yesterday reported revenues of Rs. 9719 mn for the quarter ended December 2008, a rise of 32 % from revenues of Rs. 7381 mn in the corresponding period last year.

International market revenues at Rs. 6505 mn, recorded a rise of 48%. Of these, Formulation Business in Advanced Markets constituted 77% at Rs. 4990 mn.

Earnings before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA) were Rs. 1761 mn (Rs. 1477 mn*) a rise of 19%. After Interest and Finance charges of Rs. 146 mn (Rs. 101 mn) and Depreciation of Rs. 219 mn (Rs.175 mn), Profit before Tax grew by 16% to Rs. 1396 mn (Rs. 1202 mn*). Provision for taxation including Fringe Benefit Tax was Rs. 219 mn (Rs. 201 mn*)

Net profit for the quarter was at Rs. 1165 mn. Increase in Net Profit for quarter over the corresponding quarter in the previous year (adjusted for IP income) works out to 16%.

For like representation IP income of Rs 1127 mn for the corresponding quarter of the previous year has been excluded to make the quarters comparable on an operational basis.

Commenting on the Company’s business results, Dr. Kamal Sharma, Managing Director, Lupin, said,”The past ten quarters have been noteworthy. We have continued to outpace and outperform across business segments and markets consistently having steadily consolidated our footprint globally. Recent launches, product approvals and patent settlements, substantial growth in filings, and more importantly – growth in market shares – are an affirmation of the success of our “Strategic Approach” & the effectiveness of our “Go to market” programs. Our strengths in Research & Development and the quality of our Intellectual property is a testimony to Lupin’s vision & commitment to developing and delivering quality & cost-effective drugs for everybody.”

Operational Summary

  • Growth in overall Sales in the U.S – Continued Market Leadership in 7 of the 20 products in the market.
  • Litigation Settlement with Schering-Plough Corporation for Desloratadine®
  • Hormosan AOK Tender win
  • Substantial Growth in Filings with two potential First to Files.
  • Domestic Formulations Business at Rs. 2791 mn – outpaces and outperforms the market with a growth of 27% on net sales basis. (Industry growth as per IMS MAT Nov 08 – 10.3%)

Advanced markets

The Company’s Advanced markets formulation business in USA and Europe clocked in sales of Rs 3405 mn during the Q3, 2008-09, ( Q3 2007-08: Rs 2297 mn) reporting a growth of 48%


LPI has garnered a steady growth in prescriptions for generics as well as branded formulations during the quarter. The company achieved market leadership in 7 of the 20 products in the US markets (IMS Sept 08).

Lupin also settled all ongoing Hatch-Waxman litigation relating to Desloratadine tablets, the generic version of Schering-Plough’s “Clarinex”® tablets during the quarter. As per the terms of the settlement, Lupin Ltd. will be licensed under the relevant Desloratadine patents, and free to commercially launch its generic Desloratadine product, on July 1, 2012, or earlier in certain circumstances. Schering-Plough’s Clarinex® tablets had U.S. sales of $329 million for the year 2007-MAT June 2008, according to IMS Health.


Lupin further consolidated its market position in Europe by completing its acquisition of Hormosan Pharma GmbH (Hormosan), a German generics company specialized in the supply of pharmaceutical products for the Central Nervous System (CNS).

Lupin also reported its first strategic win in the German market through Hormosan in the very first three months post-acquisition – having received information on the results of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkassen (AOK) Tender, pursuant to § 130a SGB V. Hormosan has been offered 1 products in all 5 regions of Germany covering all AOK-insured persons. The AOK tender process is currently under judicial review.

Hormosan has a strong brand identity in the German generics market through its strong patient compliance message, essential for patients within the CNS sector.

Emerging Markets:

The Formulations revenues from emerging markets including India reported a growth of 24% recording sales of Rs 3236 Mn during Q3, 2008-09 (Rs 2605 Mn, 2007-08)

API revenues from emerging markets (including India) were at Rs 1328 Mn. The Company’s CRAMS business through the new entity Novodigm is progressing well, reporting sales of Rs 125 mn for the third quarter. .

Domestic Market: India:

Company’s domestic formulations business in the third quarter registered gross Sales of Rs. 2791, registering a growth of 27% at the net sales level. For better representation, the sales arising from deemed exports of Rs. 104 mn (Rs.93 mn), and formerly recorded under domestic sales have not been classified along with the domestic formulations business. This growth was driven by the good performance in the CVS, Diabetes, CNS, Asthma and Gastro Segments. The divisions catering to branded segments continued to outpace the industry growing over 29%. Lupin has maintained its leadership in Anti-TB segment and has secured a double digit market share in the anti-asthma market riding high on the strengths of its offerings in this segment.

Other World Markets

The RoW Markets reported sales of Rs 445 Mn for the third quarter recording a growth of 40%.


Kyowa, the Company’s subsidiary in Japan posted robust sales at Rs 1319 mn registering a growth of 21% over the corresponding period of previous year. The recently launched Amlodipine “Amel” continues to maintain majority market share and Risperidone “Amel”, which was launched last year, continued market leadership in unit terms.

South Africa

Lupin also completed and consolidate its acquisition of a majority stake in Pharma Dynamics (PD) in South Africa. Pharma Dynamics is the fastest growing generic companies in South Africa (over 33% growth for Quarter 3 – 08-09) with a clear leadership in the cardiovascular segment.

PD ranks at number 6 amongst generic companies and is currently growing at 33% per annum as per IMS. The South African Generics Market is currently valued at close to 800 Million USD and growing rapidly.

Research & Development

Progress on Approvals & Filings

Lupin also filed Seven ANDAs filed in the quarter, taking the cumulative ANDA filings total to 76. The company has received 32 approvals to date including Levetiracetam, which has already been launched. Four (4) DMF filings have been made in the quarter, taking the total to 79. The company also filed four (4) MAAs with the European regulatory authorities.

Two (2) Potential first to files were filed in the quarter. Furthermore, litigation was initiated against Lupin on filing the generic versions of Fortamet ER (Metformin extended release tablets) and Antara (Fenofibrate tablets) during the quarter. The company believes that it is the first to file on both. The total tally of first to files stands at eight (8).

About Lupin Limited

Headquartered in Mumbai, India, Lupin Limited is an innovation led transnational pharmaceutical company producing a wide range of quality, affordable generic and branded formulations and APIs for the developed and developing markets of the world.

The Company has secured global leadership position in Anti-TB and Cephalosporins and has a significant presence in the areas of Cardiovasculars (prils and statins), Diabetology, Asthma and NSAIDs. The Company’s R&D endeavors have resulted in significant progress in its NCE program. The Company’s foray into Advanced Drug Delivery Systems has resulted in the development of platform technologies that are being used to develop value-added generic pharmaceuticals.

Currently positioned amongst the top six pharmaceutical companies of India, the Company is committed to achieve sustainable earnings and growth for all its stakeholders.

For the financial year ended March 2008, the Lupin’s Revenues and Profit after Tax were Rs.27,730 million (US$ 694 million) and Rs.4,083 million (US$ 102 million) respectively.

For further information please contact:

Lupin Limited:

Shamsher Gorawara

Head – Corporate Communications

Ph: 9820338555


Deccan – India’s First Budget IVF and Keyhole Surgery Centre

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India’s first state-of-the-art Budget IVF Clinic and Keyhole Surgery Centre ” Deccan” is an initiative of renowned IVF Specialist Dr Gautam Allahbadia, who has developed the centre in the memory of his late mother in order to offer subsidized IVF services to the poor and the needy. Conveniently located at Shivaji Park, in the heart of Mumbai, the clinic has been developed at par with any other centre with due commitment to technology, techniques and quality and provides all the facilities required to deliver a full range of services to couples requiring assistance conceiving.

The centre offers a comprehensive range of infertility services under one roof, so patients don’t need to shuttle from clinic to lab to the scan center. The practice is restricted to treating infertile patients exclusively, and the clinic offers patients the very best medical care – at affordable prices. Some of the services offered by the clinic are basic work up of the infertile couple, one stop fertility diagnostic services, semen processing, ovulation induction and monitoring, in vitro fertilization, donor egg IVF, embryo freezing, treatment of recurrent pregnancy loss, Diagnostic and operative laparoscopy and hysteroscopy and minimally invasive ultrasound guided procedures.

The Deccan team is led by the Medical Director, Dr Gautam N Allahbadia who coordinates the Infertility & Assisted Conception services along with Dr Prajakta Pawar, the Clinical Associate. The Laboratory Director, Mrs Anjali Awasthi looks after the ART laboratory along with the Biologist, Ms Anuja Tamhane. The Keyhole Surgery Center clinical faculty includes Dr Swati Allahbadia, Dr Pritesh Naik, Dr Rajendra Sankpaland Dr Vivek Salunkhe, who perform Minimally Invasive Fertility Alleviation Surgery for our patients.

Says Dr Gautam Allahbadia,”The opening of Deccan IVF Clinic is special to me. Apart from being India’s first budget IVF Clinic, it is one of our first steps in taking the miracle of life to the masses. We know that facing infertility can be one of the most stressful situations a person can encounter emotionally, physically and financially. We are working towards making the dream of Assisted Reproduction a reality for the common man”.

For further details please visit :

Cryo-Save India forays into the Western region

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Cryo-Save India, the 100% Indian subsidiary of Cryo-Save Group, announced their foray into the western region of the country by launching a full-fledged marketing set-up in Mumbai. The new office is part of their strategic plan for India and is envisioned to further strengthen the company’s position in the Indian market. To cater to parents growing need of providing bio-insurance to their offspring, Cryo-Save India has plans for a phased launch in key centres across the country. In Maharashtra, the city of Mumbai alone has 50,000 births per year and Pune has over 20,000 births every year in the Sec (Socio-Economic classification) A & A+ category. The company’s sales office is head quartered in Mumbai and their Maharashtra plans include representation in cities like Nagpur, Aurangabad, Pune, etc.

Cryo-Save India, with its corporate office in Bangalore, was recently set up with an investment of 1.8 Million Euros. Cryo-Save Group will scale up its investment to 2 million Euros within a year of its operation of the Indian subsidiary. The group company, Europe’s largest adult stem cell storage bank, has its operations in 37 countries across three continents. Cryo-Save India brings to the table a depth of expertise and experience in stem cell banking.

Cryo-Save India will be the only company in India with its unique offering of dual-storage system and this will be available for the first time in the country. They are also the only company that does automatic processing to avoid manual intervention and contamination. The company will be offering the collection and storage of ADULT stem cells derived from cord blood. The services will be available across all metros and other cities.

V.R. Chandramouli, Managing Director, Cryo-Save India, said, “We are very keen to extend our footprint to India specifically in the Western market as we see an immense market potential for adult stem cell banking or family banking in the Maharashtra region. A world-class stem cell banking service was the need of the hour for a huge market like India and Cryo-Save India will be offering this. We believe that the launch of the Indian operations has ushered in a new chapter in the quality of stem cell banking services offered.”

For more details on Cryo-Save India please visit